Envisioning the Visitor Experience for the Founders’ Memorial
The Founders’ Memorial is meant to commemorate the values and ideals exemplified by the late Founding fathers and leaders of Singapore. Envisioned as an integrated gallery and gardens experience at the Bay East Garden, it aims to showcase Singapore’s journey to independence, and inspire Singaporeans to towards building the nation’s future. It is set to open in 2028.
Client & Partners:
Arts & Culture
How might we frame the desired attributes of a visitor experience that will realise the Memorial's vision?
What does it mean to design the visitor experience for Founders’ Memorial?
Opportunity 💡
The purpose of the project was to help identify what various types of visitors, majorly Singaporeans are looking for in the museum experience, today and in the future, to create an evolving experience.
Our team of 7 designers and researchers, worked alongside architecture firms from Japan and the USA. We conducted a mix of research and co-creation workshops where participants shared insights from their own experiences and backgrounds on the desired attributes of the visitor experience at the Founders’ Memorial. We collectively generated ideas on design features to realise this vision.
Next, validation workshops were conducted with previously recruited participants. They were tasked to build on their insights and develop more detailed design concepts for the visitor journey.
Outcomes 📤
11 design workshops with 200 citizens
Prototype of museum exhibits and dialogues
Visitor Experience Journey
Design Concepts and Validations
Behavioural and Qualitative research
Stakeholder management
Service Journeys
Concept Development
Workshop Facilitation
Collaboration with Partners
Skills involved 📩
Participant profiles
Online and offline workshops (includes facilitators, participants and client representatives)
Since the museum is envisioned to be a hotspot for a multitude of visitors, we recruited participants from all walks of life, across various demographics, professions and lifestyles.
This included seniors, who may or may not have lived through the initial growing years of Singapore, working adults, the youth, such as students and teenagers, as well as artists, teachers and homemakers to give a few examples.
Alongside the architects from Japan and exhibition designers from the US, we brought certain findings to life. This would help the client have clearer sight of what the Memorial could look like and the kind of experiences sitting within it.
Key Insights Gathered
Space 1- The Arrival Journey
As visitors approach the Memorial from multiple arrival pathways, it prompts them to appreciate the natural setting of the Memorial, and set the tone for the rest of the experience.
Space 2- Interpretive Gallery - Indoor Spaces
Ideas on the National Flag to have multiple moving elements that could represent the collective voices of citizens, bringing it to life in a poetic way through digital means.
“I would like to interact with artefacts more. We always see them in textbooks, but seeing a 3D or real-life version would be exciting and interactive.”
– Eileen, 17 years old
Space 3- Viewing Gallery - Indoor Spaces
The indoor experience concludes with a view of the evolving city skyline that bridges the past, present and future and encourages visitors to follow through with their aspirations for Singapore.
“The success of getting visitors to pledge their hopes for Singapore’s future depends on how it’s carried out…How can people follow through with their pledges?” - Kenneth, 37 years old
Space 4- Outdoor Garden Spaces, Amphitheatre
The outdoor garden spaces offer experiences that are unique to the Memorial in being an integrated gallery and gardens experience, facilitate social interactions, and be accessible and comfortable in Singapore’s climate.
“People desire to be outdoors - it is a great relief from our busy metropolitan lives. The connection with people is crucial, the bond: how can outdoor spaces foster emotional connections?” – Lawrence, 42 years old
“Now, almost 60 years after separation, and 80 years after World War II, the time has come for us to build the story of Singapore,” - Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong shares
Mr Lee officiated the groundbreaking ceremony at the memorial’s site along with the Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Edwin Tong, as well as Minister for National Development Desmond Lee.
The representing body hopes the memorial will evolve into a space for Singaporeans to reflect on their ongoing nation-building journey; appreciate the priceless inheritance from the founding generation; and co exist to continue building a harmonious and successful Singapore.”